Is That Permitted?

When building an addition to a home, often there will be a need to get the proper building permits. Naturally, not everyone takes this as seriously as they should, and this means that there might be things in a home you are considering that were built without being...

Looking Out For Your Roof

Your roof is an integral part of your home, and it needs regular maintenance to prevent it from deteriorating. A poorly maintained roof could fail prematurely, leading to leaks and other issues. Since replacing a roof can be very expensive, you can almost view your...

Don’t Know What It’s For?

As you probably are aware, there are so many parts to a home to keep track of that it is near impossible for a homeowner to be familiar with all of them. Sometimes this can lead to an issue however, since there might be parts of your home that looks out of place to...

Hot Water Faster Than Ever

When you turn on the hot water in your bathroom, it might take a while before it actually gets hot. Adding up all the water that we have wasted in our life waiting for it to turn hot would probably produce a mind-boggling number, but fortunately, there are some...

To Trust Or Not To Trust

Do you believe that most people are honest or do you not trust anyone? While most of us probably land somewhere in the middle of those two ideas, it is difficult to know sometimes whether or not to trust a person. If you are buying a home, do you expect the seller to...

The Cheaper Alternative

When it comes to flooring materials, a lot of people will tell you that a hardwood floor is among one of the most beautiful options you could choose. It is also made from a renewable resource so it is good for the environment, but the problem is that it is usually in...

Energy Savings = Money Savings

None of us likes to spend money, but as a homeowner, there are many different expenses to care for. One of the biggest ones is usually the energy bill since we all need electricity for a lot of the things we do daily. So, is there anything you can do to minimize this...

Turning Your Home Into Swiss Cheese

The amount of damage a woodpecker can do to your home is quite amazing… unless of course, you are the one paying to repair it. A woodpecker doesn’t usually just start poking holes in your home for no reason though, so you might be able to take care of the problem by...

The Dangerous Material

You have probably heard about asbestos, but do you know what the danger with this material is? Asbestos is linked to all kinds of respiratory problems, even something as serious as lung cancer. If you live in an older home, and you are uncertain about the building...

Planning For The Worst

When you’re faced with a disaster, how confident would you feel that your home would make it out of it intact? Of course, this depends to a large extent on the type of disaster, but there is a method that will help protect your home in several different scenarios, and...

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